Overlord: A Conspiracy of Sorts Ch. 1


Will I take up 75% of this code walkthrough with some pointless, overly explanatory SEO-friendly section to describe what Python and the associated packages used are, despite the contextualization anyone clicking on this article will either be looking for a hail-mary answer buried in the 700th search results page or have recently triggered a LinkedIn view notificaton? No.

I’ve decided to take over the world, but in order to do that, I will first have to destroy it.

This world has fallen into a state remnant of the apocalyptic fortunes scrawled on caves. We are cast aside to see business and politics intertwined in a sick chimera that preys on the weakness of its people. We work our entire lives only to die. Everyone is against us from the beginning. Believing that we are in a race, but really, we are merely the entertainment for the hidden powers that be. There is no purpose for us, and I feel even God has abandoned all hope for this humanity.

Take the simple dentist. We believe they are here to protect our gums and teeth from our own rotting decay. They place us in a state of fear. They say if we don’t brush our teeth at least twice a day we’ll develop yellow marks, and they’ll fall out. Why? Because they get a kickback from toothpaste companies. He gets a cut of the profits from a system designed to make us lose from the start. If we buy more toothpaste, he gets more money. We all know deep in our hearts, once a day is enough.

My friends, we are all the patients in this metaphor. We are the abused populous hypnotized into believing the system will work for us. If we work hard enough, and long enough, the world will reward us. But, when the world’s entirety is born flawed, we will never succeed. The elites grow richer and fatter, while the rest of us fade into the ether. I can no longer stand by and allow this world to continue. So, I’ve decided to destroy it. Giant robots? Death rays? A strong social media campaign? All a part of the objective: to demolish the system that’s abused us for centuries. I will bring down the governments, either public or hidden, that spread lies and war. I will bring down the banking leaders suckling off the teat of the middle and lower class until we are chaffed and the skin is broken and sore. I will burn down the corrupt business sphere preying on our insecurities to sell us products we don’t really need. Gift cards are just an inconvenient way to give someone currency!

After I obliterate these faulty structures, I will ascend to my rightful position of power. For destroying the old ways and delivering you to salvation I will be your Overlord. To lead you into a new light. To a new way. To a new you.

Those of you that stand in my way, or those that set out to mock me, will be castrated like the feral cats you are. Those of you acting against me, after my rise to power, will be enslaved to live out your lives in the mines or fields with the elitist pigs. Only the people that support or believe in my movement will be allowed to prosper under the New World Order!

I am your Overlord. Your supreme leader. Your messiah of the coming age. Join my movement. Please. Thank you.

Your Overlord Ian

This is an except from Overlord: A Conspiracy of Sorts. If you would like to follow the thread further, please visit the link here to get a copy.


Ian the Overlord is a delusional conspiracy theorist with aspirations for global domination, but his plans are interrupted when he's forced to get a job. Using this opportunity to showcase his rise to power he becomes involved with a dangerous self-help cult, is hunted by a bumbling vigilante, gets profiled by the local paper, and begins to uncover a conspiracy all his own that just might help him deliver the world he promises.

Overlord: A Conspiracy of Sorts is a dark comedy featuring new twists on existing theories, and original conspiracies exploring life in the information age, mental illness, the acceptance of responsibility, and the narrow lines between fantasy and reality.
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