For Whom the Hand Strikes


Log #AO87:

It's cozy and warm here. A bit tight at times, but when night falls there's a feeling of freedom and the comfort of soft linen sheets. It's a false sense of security though. You always have to be ready at a moment's notice to invade the enemy encampment. Always on guard because war is hell and by God we're swimming at the gates.

Command beat the plan of attack into us until we could run the strategy in only a few short minutes, but simulation drills don't compare to real life experience. If Lady Luck granted us the opportunity of execution, we'd storm the perimeter. The ship sloshing in the flood to reach the shore. From there it's a straight shot to get behind enemy lines, but your comrades quickly become your competitors in the race to avoid disaster. Just keep going forward. Don't worry about your fallen brothers behind you. To let doubt in was to invite death as his companion.

We all strived to be the hero they'd sing songs of praise about, and as long as no unnecessary obstacles stand in our path, we might actually have a chance of survival.

Log #AO88:

It's been a week since my last entry and we've suffered major losses on the front lines. The ship was prepared for deployment, but instead of finding the conflict of battle we discovered the cruel hands of despair. I was able to escape with my life solely based on a hunch. Command was certain the chance had come. They ordered us to load up, but something felt off about the situation. I couldn't put my finger on it. I headed to the secondary base of operations to share my uncertainties, but by then it was too late. I watched in horror the brave soldiers launched into a cotton coffin; tossed into a watery grave.

It was The Hand. A callous deity that had tricked our ranks into their own demise, and while our troops were quickly replenished, I live with the knowledge of what could be.

Log #AO89:

So many false alarms. So many more soldiers lost to the sea. I'm beginning to doubt if there's any point to this war.

Log #AO115:

Today we suffered a large blow to the ship. The immediate concern was a hull breach, but thankfully, the structural engineering held strong. HQ had no previous intel on the strike. Some unknown enemy took advantage of our current contentment to launch a surprise attack. The whole operation seemed to be in jeopardy, but our panic was swiftly exchanged for resentment. I wished for retaliation. I wished for revenge. Whether it was to save face in front of the troops or the world I'm not certain, but Command agreed with our sentiment.

Gazing at the main screen where the outcome would be decided, we saw that Headquarters would not take such a cowardly action lightly. The Hand came into full view, filling the troops with an existential dread. Had headquarters really decided to risk allying itself with such a fearsome entity just to prove a point to the powers that be? Was The Hand just using this opportunity as a means of betrayal to march more us towards an endless sleep?

We waited in anticipation for a second blow, but the alliance was honored and The Hand struck back against the enemy vessel with tremendous force. It distributed pain and tears as justice was served.

Now I wonder who's side this Hand is on. Sometimes there's another one, but it seems less experienced in trying to deliver destruction. However, our peace was short lived as The Hand returned to collect more blood as payment for its help. Can we not just find a common ground where we can both exist in comfort? Life seems nothing more than a painful experience when you're a sperm.

Log #AO179:

Incredible news. Yesterday, we heard from the central nervous system that we'd have a good chance of accomplishing our main objective. It's known as the egg. No more information is available. All we know is that it's our main target. This one is known as the egg of Jennifer. I pray that all goes well on the battlefield tomorrow.

Log #AO180:

Last night did not go as planned. Four hours of anticipation and a false alarm were only the beginning. There was food, conversation, and a lot of sweat put into this operation, but we didn't succeed. We pushed for a more direct course of action but HQ was too busy trying to put together a story about the time in middle school when we crashed our bike into a neighbor's mailbox. We didn't need a reminder of that horrific day. We've all heard the stories. The fallen men who never came home.

We were greeted with a slim chance of hope at the end of the night with a kiss, but again disappointment rang through the barracks.

Later that night The Hand struck again.

Log #AO196:

Tonight is the night. Things have been going well with Jennifer. I had my doubts but headquarters said it was all a part of their plan. Those bastards never tell us anything, but the stars seemed to be aligned in our favor. Jennifer even said so. She's led to several more casualties, but The Hand's actions have been less consistent. We're still pushing forward. Always remembering our goal.

Log #AO197:

It happened! We were able to breach the perimeter, but victory was only a disguise for defeat. A rubber blockade cut off our path to triumph, and more good men were lost. I've heard tales about this sort of defense mechanism. It boasts a strong rate of success, but nothing is perfect and there exists an atypical flaw in their design. Sometimes a slight hole appears that would allow a small strike force to get through. From there everything else would fall into place. It's a pipedream, but I fear it may be our only hope in the foreseeable future.

I almost swam to my doom though. Driven by dumb intuition, but my senses snapped me back to reality. It was not my time.

Log #AO794:

War is not a game of aggression. It's a game of patience. Knowing when to strike. Luring the enemy into a false sense of pride, but I don't know how much more of this I can take. I've been here for so long. So very long. I've watched countless lives lost to ravages of combat and yet, I can only sit back and watch idly from the sack lines.

Patience be damned though. I've made up my mind. I'm charging into the void the next time the alarm sounds. Whether I find cotton, rubber, or by some miracle, victory; I will have fought for what I truly believe in. I can now only wait for the next penetrative assault.

Log #AO799:

The alarms rang suddenly.

I took position with the front lines, knowing that I would soon be another martyr. The air was still as we awaited Command's order. The feed was broadcast through the deck. Each huff and puff. The sounds of grunts staving off any thoughts of distress. It was just about time as the words echoed throughout.

"I'm almost there!"

"Not yet."

But by the time I heard the "too late" we were already halfway through the shoot. I didn't expect it to be so fast. Before I knew it, we were out. A moment of shock to see if I'd already met my end, but I was still in the fight. Before me stood the rubber wall menacingly daunting its power over us. Regardless, I charged forward, frantically scanning the terrain for any signs of the fabled tear in the enemy's line. I slammed against the barrier thwarting me and my comrade's advancements. Pushing against the mighty wall I tried to form my own hole, sliding around the obstacle blocking my path.

All seemed lost. I had failed my fellow soldiers, my superiors, my mission, and myself. I'd just about given up hope when at last I saw it. A small opening in the barrier, barely visible to anyone.

I swam for my life. Leaping over my fellow warriors hoping that I might make it in time before the ship pulled out. I heard the sloshing of our vessel departing as I squeezed through the crack.

I had done it! Despite the insurmountable odds I was able to make it through! But... my mission wasn't over. Behind me were tens of thousands of brothers in arms transformed into my greatest opponents. I continued to swim as fast as I could. Slowly losing the lead to the hoard gaining momentum.

Then I saw it. The egg. It was immaculate. Everything I dreamed of could never compare to actually being here. The egg was massive. Its presence looming over all in its wake, but it seemed to welcome me forward. I gave everything to swim across the finish line, leaving everyone behind.

That's when everything went dark.

I couldn't tell where I was or what was around me. I quickly tried to turn around as terror dawned on me, but I was trapped. My sense of accomplishment turning into feelings of betrayal. That I had waited and worked so hard for nothing. I continued to struggle, attempting to break free from my new shackles. Sadly, my strength couldn't last, and I've resigned myself to the troubling fate before me.

Log #AO1072:

It's been so long since I completed my mission. I thought I was dead, but it feels as if I've been slowly recuperating my power. I hear voices at times telling me how much they love me, and it's then that I feel the encroachment of insanity. When this happens, I kick out. Trying to keep the noises away. I have to escape soon. I can't live like this. I must make my escape. I push and I push but I can't feel an exit. It reminds me of the rubber wall I faced so long ago, but I had made it through that barricade and I would escape this one as well. My spirit tells me I have to keep going.

I collected my newfound strength, and pushing with all my might I finally felt a break. Like water gushing from the broken dam I'd finally done it. Diving head first into the dark, tight corridor a small glimmer of light greeted me on the other side. Whether it's freedom or the whites of heaven delivering me sweet release from this suffering, I am happy to finally escape this prison.

It feels like a tennis ball being forced through a straw as the hours pass. The light growing brighter with each push, and as it grows and grows so too does my anticipation of release. Soon I've broken through to the other side, blinded by the sudden light. Regaining my senses, I suddenly see The Hand coming towards me!

What fresh hell is this? To escape an eternal prison, only to meet one of my mortal enemies on the other side. I see the hand has back up and I can only let out a scream as I wait for them to crush me.

Yet, they do not harm me. They guide me out of my solitary lair, carrying me out into this foreign world. I don't know where I am or what is happening, but I've finally found victory. Overcome with everything, I let out a wail of triumph for I have survived.

The Hands pass me off to more of their kind. Soon four new hands are coddling me, but I do not feel fear. I feel security. As if everything will be alright for the time being. They're here to protect me.

I'm relieved, but all of this has depleted any energy I had left. I need rest. My eyes are heavy as I begin to drift off to sleep, exhaustion taking hold of my body, but I feel something else. I feel as if my old self is fading, and in its place a new form has emerged. I can feel new life inside me and, as I close my eyes, a notion of peace washes over me.

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